

This policy covers how we treat your personal information collected on our website, 或者我们收到的, including information related to your past use of our site and services. Personal information is information about you that is personally identifiable like your name, address, 电子邮件地址, 电话号码, 和你的IP地址.  All users of our website must agree to our terms and conditions of use, 包括我们所有的政策, 作为使用我们网站的条件. 作为你同意的一部分,我们可以接受, store and use personal information as provided in our terms and conditions, 以及我们的Cookie政策所规定的.


我们不要求访问者在访问网站的公共区域时提供个人身份信息. 当你浏览网站时, 你可以匿名这么做, unless you have submitted an online registration form and selected a password. 我们会记录您的IP地址(您计算机的互联网地址),以便我们了解您访问了我们网站的哪个部分以及您在那里停留了多长时间, 并且如果您通过注册和密码登录我们的网站,可能会将您的IP地址链接到其他个人信息, 或者如果您从网站提交表单或以其他方式请求附加信息,即使您没有登录到该网站.

We do collect personally identifiable information when you register, 进入某些受限制的工地区域, 下订单, 请求其他信息, 或以其他方式与我们沟通我们的产品. 另外, we may collect personally identifiable information when you register to attend a seminar, 要求将自己包含在电子邮件或其他邮件列表中, 提交一个抽奖或其他促销活动的条目, or you submit your personal information to us for any other reason. From time to time, we receive personal information from business partners and vendors. 我们只使用这些信息,如果它是按照可接受的行业隐私惯例收集的,与本政策和适用法律一致. Personally identifiable information may be merged with other information we already know, 例如,您是否是立博客户端app下载的当前客户, 或者您或您的组织过去是否与立博客户端app下载的销售或营销活动有过接触.

您的注册和登录我们的网站是您同意并同意向我们提供个人信息以及您同意我们如何管理您的网站, 维护和使用这些信息. 注册用户可以编辑和更新立博客户端app下载指定的用户可修改信息.  您仍然可以通过不注册和登录的方式访问我们的网站,而不向我们提供个人信息, but you may not have access to all areas of the site or all services. You are always given the opportunity to unsubscribe to our emails.  如果我们认为有必要,我们可能会不时向您发送信息电子邮件,告知您的权利或义务.


我们出于各种原因收集这些信息, including our effort to inform you of such things as product upgrades, 特别优惠, and to ensure that you have access to information which is likely to be of interest to you. 然而, we do not sell or rent personally identifiable information to other organizations. 有时, 我们可能会与授权的立博客户端app下载解决方案提供商共享个人身份信息. 


我们采取措施保护您的个人信息的安全,并确保您对其预期用途的选择得到尊重. 我们保护您的数据不丢失, 滥用, 未经授权的访问或披露, 变更, 或破坏. 不幸的是, 我们不能, 不要, guarantee that data transmission over the Internet is secure, 或者恶意的第三方将无法成功地从我们的服务器窃取您的个人信息. As a result, you provide us with your personal information at your own risk.

We strive to utilize a secure environment for credit card transactions. Once a transaction has cleared your credit card information is not stored by us.

我们收集的所有信息, whether it originates from within or from the outside of the United States, is stored on our contract servers that are located in the United States and Canada. 

我们不保证您的通信和其他个人身份信息永远不会以本隐私政策中未描述的方式披露, or in ways that you would not have chosen to disclose it. 这包括, 但不限于, 要求向政府披露, 根据法院的命令, 通过非法拦截. 我们可以(并且您授权我们)向执法部门或其他政府官员披露有关您的任何信息, 由我方全权决定, 认为是必要的或适当的, 与一起欺诈调查有关, 侵犯知识产权或其他非法或可能使我们承担法律责任的活动. 因此, although we will endeavor to protect your privacy as described in this 隐私政策, 我们不承诺, 你不应该期望, that your personally identifiable information or private communications will remain private.

您的帐户受密码保护,因此只有您才能访问并查看与帐户相关的信息. We recommend that you do not divulge your password to anyone. We will never ask you for your password in an unsolicited phone call or e-mail. 最终, you are responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your passwords and any account information.

If, 通过使用我们网站的链接, 您访问第三方的网站或服务,那么与他们的服务有关的您的信息的保护将受第三方的隐私政策管辖.


当您使用我们的移动应用程序时, 我们收集和使用您的信息的方式和目的与您使用我们的网站时相同, and we may collect information about Mobile App functionality that you access and use, 以及设备的唯一设备标识符. 当你使用手机应用程序时, you can choose to allow access to your current location through settings on your device. 如果您选择允许访问, 这些位置数据可能会被匿名收集,作为我们服务器记录的搜索请求的一部分. 您可以随时通过手机设置菜单关闭移动应用程序对您所在位置的访问. 我们也可能会收到错误报告,以改进应用程序, which may include information about the mobile device type and version, and the phone id that we use to investigate the error. 您可以通过您的设备设置和控制来控制提供给立博客户端app下载的信息, 或者你可以完全删除应用程序,结束所有访问.



要提出此请求,您可以通过以下方式与立博客户端app下载联系 support@taste-happiness.com and we will remove your 电子邮件地址 from our email distributions.

另外, 在立博客户端app下载发送的每封营销邮件的底部,我们都会提供一个选择退出邮件列表的链接. 通过点击这个链接,您将被引导通过自动过程,将删除您的电子邮件地址从包括未来的邮件.

If you need further help or have additional questions, please email us at support@taste-happiness.com. 请提供您的全名, 电子邮件地址 and 电话号码 so that we may address your concerns appropriately.

立博客户端app下载's web sites may contain "links" to other non-立博客户端app下载 web sites. It is also possible that non-立博客户端app下载 web sites may link into 立博客户端app下载 web sites. 对于那些非accrisoft网站的内容或隐私做法,我们概不负责. 


We have adopted a 饼干的政策, which is posted on our website. 我们的Cookie政策为您提供有关我们在您的计算机上放置的Cookie及其功能的其他信息. Because cookies involve privacy issues we also address cookies here.

这是许多网站的情况, when you visit our site or complete a registration form, 我们将在您的计算机上放置一个“cookie”, which helps us identify you more quickly when you return. Our use of this technology does not mean that we automatically know anything about you. 它们用于识别您是我们网站的唯一访问者,并用于确定您认为哪些页面和信息最有用或最有趣, 并可用于定向广告. 

我们的网站不提供输入cookie设置的功能,但您可以通过您的web浏览器进行cookie设置, including to refuse to accept "cookies" offered by websites like ours. With the exception of password protected areas of the site, you will not be denied access to any other part of www.立博客户端app下载.Com,因为您拒绝接受“cookie”。. 然而, 由于您需要重新输入完成交易所需的基本信息,您通过本网站进行的交易可能会延迟.

我们也可能允许在我们的某些页面上显示广告或链接其服务的公司在您的计算机上放置和访问cookie. Other companies' use of their cookies is subject to their own privacy policies and not ours. Such advertisers and other third parties do not have access to our cookies, but we may from time to time share information about your visits to our web site, in combination with non-personally identifiable information about your purchases and interests, and through use of pixel tags (also called clear gifs), 为了利用有针对性的营销策略为您提供服务和广告. 如果您想了解更多关于第三方广告公司信息收集实践的信息, and to know your choices about not having this information used by them, 请访问各公司的网站.


We are a commercial business 不要 offer services to children. 如果任何未满18岁的人寻求向我们注册,我们将仅使用该信息来传达我们对该注册请求的拒绝.


Due to the rapidly evolving nature of technologies 立博客户端app下载 uses to communicate with you, 立博客户端app下载 may occasionally update this privacy statement. Notice of any revisions will be posted to this privacy statement web page. 


You should send any comments or questions regarding 立博客户端app下载's privacy policy to us at privacypolicy@taste-happiness.com,或写信给我们;


